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Devereaux Gatin

Devereaux Gatin, Postal Pizzas & Café Del Rey, Saskatoon By: Cassi Smith “Food is such a great catalyst for conversation. We often find ourselves gathering over food and it allows us to fill our minds, fill our bodies and our spirits… It creates connection within...

Funding Application & Personal Financial Statement – Tips & Tricks!

Before filling out your Funding Application and Personal Financial Statement for the Clarence Campeau Development Fund (CCDF) and SaskMétis Economic Development Corporation (SMEDCO), check out the blog below! We understand that starting the application process can be...

Taylor Hubert

Taylor Hubert, Town Shop Gifts, Wakaw By: Cassi Smith At just 25 years old, Taylor Hubert has already made the difficult decision to change her career path and follow her dreams. “I remember sitting down and thinking, what am I doing?” says Taylor. “I just went to...
Loan Agreement Information for Métis Entrepreneurs

Loan Agreement Information for Métis Entrepreneurs

A business loan is designed to protect an entrepreneur’s cash flow and help build or develop their business. The Federal CEBA loan or the Federal Métis Emergency Capital Assistance Program is intended to provide Métis owned businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19...

Why it’s important to understand financial statements

Why it’s important to understand financial statements

Most of us didn’t start our business because we had a dream of being an accountant. However, as we learn through the journey, financial management is one of the most important skills we need to succeed as entrepreneurs. Financial management is the ability to plan and...

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